Plastic-Free for Life?
Posted by Helen Rupp on
“I have been living a Zero Waste lifestyle for four years now and all of the trash that I have produced fits in one 16oz mason jar.” *
Statements like this can polarize people; are you feeling deeply inspired or somewhat despondent? Many of us fall into the latter bracket but we must be hopeful because we need the Merrin Tates, Tammy Logans, and *Lauren Singers of this world. It is good to know there are people who go plastic free and zero waste; we can learn from their experiences and reap the benefits of building on what they have already tried and tested. Here are simple swaps and steps they have shared to get you on the road…
Going Up Going Down
Farmers market Supermarket
Reusable produce bags Plastic bags
Bakery bread Supermarket wrapped bread
Beeswax infused material Food wrap
Egg box seed trays Plastic seed trays
Stainless steel razor Disposable razors
Fresh veggies Frozen veggies
Bulk bin buying Plastic packaging & trays
Everyone living plastic free does it a little differently. Being individuals means that we will have different preferences, levels of knowledge, will live in areas with access to varied resources, products and services. Perhaps most importantly, we will have different levels of support from our family, friends, community and local government. These all affect our decisions about what and how we phase out plastics and unnecessary waste and what and how we do it will change over time, as we learn more and become increasingly inspired.
And if you are still feeling a little ho-hum, then just take it one day at a time like the folks at Plastic Free Tuesday. Or, encourage the family to get behind the cause by bypassing the icecream at the supermarket and heading down to the dairy for a cone instead - reducing can be fun and instantly rewarding too!
By Hannah Beasley