Why use our paper straws?
- Our straws last 20 times longer than Chinese made paper straws*
- Our straws are durable as they have 30% more material than other brands
- The ink on our straws doesn't leach into your drink*
- Our straws are Food Safe (FDA and EU approved)
- Our straws are home compostable, breaking down in 45-60 days
- Unlike plastic and PLA, our straws break apart in water in 3 days.
- Our packaging is plastic free
- The Rubbish Whisperer donates 20% of profit to local conservation and environmental groups

Our straws have been tested and approved to be in compliance with FDA test method 21 CFR 176.170. Testing was also conducted to obtain evidence of compliance with Council of Europe Resolution AP(2002)1 relating to paper materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. Our samples comply with The General Requirement (Article 3) in EU Regulation No. 1935/2004 as referenced in Report Number EFSH13080415-ST. Inks used for printing on the surface of our drinking straws have been tested, certified and are guaranteed acceptable for direct contact with food products, in accordance with the applicable chapters and sections of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR). In addition, a safety assessment has been conducted, and based on the toxicity testing results; the conclusion provides added evidence that all chemical components used are proven to be safe as tested by the Health, Environmental, & Regulatory Services of Intertek USA, Inc. Additionally, all raw material and process components used are free of any fluorochemicals/fluorinated compounds.
We're proud to say that Aardvark® paper straws are the strongest, longest lasting on the market. Other paper straws become soft and soggy after only a short use. They often bleed into your drink as well. You'll never encounter that with an Aardvark® straws. They're strong and durable, from the first sip to the last.
Sample product was submitted to an independent source for substrate review. The evaluation was successful in verifying the product meets the untreated paper substrate requirement for its acceptance in commercial composting processes. Aardvark® uses natural cellulose paper as the primary material of the paper drinking straw. Paper, being a natural fiber, is universally considered to be inherently biodegradable and is supported as such by organizations such as the San Francisco Food Service Ware Ordinance. Aardvark® straws, being made of paper, naturally degrade in oceans, rivers and lakes and are safe for marine life. All plastic straws, including biodegradable and compostable plastic straws, pose a serious threat to the marine environment as their fragments do not degrade and remain in the ocean, able to be ingested by marine organisms. Aardvark’s durable straws reduce plastic pollution by breaking down quickly in most environments.
Why use our Reusable Produce Bags?
- Our Reusable Produce Bags are made in Christchurch, New Zealand
- Our Reusable Produce Bags weigh less than some competitors, so you are not paying for your bag each time you shop!
- The Rubbish Whisperer is a locally owned company that pays a living wage
- Our Reusable Produce bags are strong and stretchy to fit in lots of fruit and veggies

*Aardvark product testing