Get Rid of Rubbish

If you've ever wondered about rubbish or worried about plastic then this talk is for you.
It answers questions such as:
How much rubbish do we really produce?
What happens to it?
Is it possible to live a plastic-free life?
Can one person make a difference?
How do I get started?

A huge number of plastic-free products are presented showing how easy it is to make a huge difference to the environment with simple changes.
This talk gives the hard facts about our plastic pollution but provides practical solutions that allow you to leave feeling positive about the difference one person can make, and confident about how to get started on a low-rubbish life.

Allow 2 hours for this event.
Evening and weekend bookings welcome.
Available in the Christchuch area.

To book or for more information, use the Contact form.

Eat Lunch - Change the World

Bring your lunch along and discover how a simple thing like lunch can have a major impact on the rubbish we produce and our attitudes towards it. See practical and stylish alternatives to plastic lunch packaging and go away feeling positive about the differences you can make.

30 minutes


To book or for more information, use the Contact form.