Paper straws are even better for construction than plastic ones because they are heaps sturdier and so you can build more elaborate models.
We can ship paper straws to you once NZ is in Alert Level 3 and we've got some packs of multicoloured crafting straws made up ready to go or purchase packs to make sea creatures
Got heaps of skills? Make a full underwater scene like the headdress from our Wearable Arts outfit (straws are used as the coral skeleton).
Got no skills? Well, I made this spider (stop laughing!)
Lacking ideas? Just google straw crafts - anything you can make with plastic straws you can make with paper ones! Send us your photos and we'll stick them up on Facebook :)
With NZ Sea Week coming up next week we have become so excited about it all and we decided to made a few critters to celebrate with! Purchase your Sea Themed Craft Pack now to make your own – be sure to send us photos!!!
What you need:
Paper cup or paper pottle
Needle, knife or scissors for puncturing holes
Fabric scraps (or anything tentacle like)
What you need:
Paper cup or paper pottle
Needle, knife or scissors for puncturing holes
Various coloured straws
What you need:
1.5 straws
Fabric scraps (or anything similar to wrap around)
What you need:
1 thick straw
1 Flexible straw
1 Paper pottle
Pen for drawing eyes
What you need:
Any straw pieces left over
Fabric scraps (or similar)
Pen for drawing eyes
With any tiny left over bits of straws you can assemble them to make an elaborate coral! Either use oasis (as we did), glue to paper or place into sand for a temporary setting.